Remodeling Planning Tips

Preparing for a Remodeling Project? Consider These Tips Before Construction Begins.
Homeowner-Pre-Remodel Tips & Tasks
  • Make sure everyone in your home and all visitors are aware of the remodeling project and that it will be a work zone and practice caution.
  • If you live in a gated community, inform security and management of your project, all remodeling employees may have to adhere to certain requirements. (Example: Entering a designated construction entrance, complete paperwork to receive a construction pass)
  • Let your neighbors know that there will be people working in and around your home.
  • Set up a temporary kitchen for simple meal preparations, use disposable dishware & cutlery, enjoy eating out or take-out dining.
  • It will get messy and loud, protect your family, pets and the remainder of your home from the dust, tools, debris, noise and any remodeling materials that could cause damage to the rest of your home or any of your occupants.
  • There could be several days without power, water and/or gas, depending upon the level of your remodeling project, make plans to stay away on those days.
  • Make sure you know who is responsible for clean-up.
  • Maybe it's a good time to take a family vacation.
Homeowner/Project Contractor – Pre-Remodel Points & Tasks
  • Create a calendar for the remodel project so all know the status of the project.
  • Know who, when, and how many people will be at your property at any given time.
  • Establish clear work schedule & rules before work begins. (Example: NO work begins before 8 am)
  • Create a command/communication area in your home where you place the following: (Example: bulletin board in the garage or laundry room)
    • Your Remodeling Calendar
    • All Important Phone Numbers
    • Samples to review
    • Materials
    • Notes
  • Establish product staging and waste removal zones.

Remember - This is a temporary project and process; the outcome will be worth it!

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